Startups seem to be sprouting everywhere these days, like mushrooms. Silicon Valley is back! If you feel like you're hearing about more interesting new startups these days than before, you're right. There's
money sloshing around as VC investment in 2006 hit $25 billion, its highest level in five years. Silicon Valley got more VC money in 2006 than at any time since 2001. Then there's the more tangible effects for people who work in the valley.
There's jobs for the taking. The number of jobs in Silicon Valley increased for the first time since 2001, with a net 33,000 increase in 2006.
Incomes are on the rise. Median household income rose 6.5% in 2006, after falling about a percent in the period 2001 - 2004.

If you're interested in exploring statistics about Silicon Valley, take a look at the
2007 Index of Silicon Valley, an excellent statistical summary of the area.